So, you've given it a lot of thought and foster parenting just doesn't seem to be the right thing for you right now. That's OK, there are several other ways you can help the kids. I came up with 10 ideas to be exact.
Famous Foster Kids/Adoptees:
Darryl McDaniels - aka - DMC of RUN DMC, discovered he was adopted at the age of 35 when he was working on his autobiography. He has since been searching for his family roots with the cameras of VH1 following him on his journey.
A review of "dmc: my adoption journey" which aired on February 25, 2006 on VH1. A short documentary of DMC's quest to find his birth mother.
DMC shares thoughts on adoption reunion, adoption search and the need for open adoption records.
How well do you know your children's books? Been reading "Shaoey and Dot" every night? Are you seeing "Nikolai, the Only Bear" in your dreams? Or have you been doing some young adult reading and just finished up "The Last Chance Texaco" or "Anne of Green Gables" for the tenth time? Test your knowledge and see if you can Name that Adoption or Foster Care Themed Children's Book!