" HEART Talk! w/Ms. E"
Internet Radio Talk Show
The Daughters & Spirit of Harriet" is an anthology in memory of Harriet Tubman, Nelson Mandela, and Thomas Garrett compiled by, Mirthell Bayliss-Bazemore.
The anthology includes stories and poems featured by various authors which honor the contributions of men and women across the country for their selfless service and notable contributions to humanity
A proud contributing author herself, Ms. E will be interviewing Lead Author, Ms. Bazemore along with four of the other contributing artists, Terri Dorrell, Antwann Hannah, Kathleen Joiner, Mary Canty-Merrell, and Velton Showell, five of the contributing authors.
Join Ms. E as she discusses "rebounding" from depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) :
As a therapist in private practice for more than 21 years, and having dealt with chronic depression herself, Ms. E will share insights regarding triggers for depression, and answer your questions about getting through "the darkness". through honoring the body, mind, soul, and spirit.
Whether you’re an adult or youth, “villager” or professional, and whether you have ever or never before experienced poverty, family dysfunction, and/or separation from your biological family, if you have a heart which has not waxed cold, you will smile, cry, laugh and even holler out loud as you follow the childhood journey of author, DeonPrice.
Deon, a former foster youth, takes you through the life maze of 6 year old “Little Deon” as he witnesses and experiences family addiction, violence, fear, and separation, pain, rejection, and displacement; followed by the pains of confusion, sadness, depression, apathy, and hopelessness, but most of all the enduring love for and by his biological family.
Previously Aired Guests & Broadcasts:
Programming is broadcast live on 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings 6PM - 7PM Pacific Time
(8PM Central/9PM Eastern) on Blog Talk Radio. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hearttalkwithmse
Lack of support can prevent a young person from making a successful transition into adulthood. This is intensified for youth aging out of foster and juvenile care.
New Beginnings Supportive Services is a resource agency which provides core support services and emergency assistance resources for young adults aging out of foster & juvenile care.
Staffed by volunteer community members and professionals New Beginnings helps prepare young adults, 16-24, in starting their journey toward self-sufficiency, filling the gaps in available servicesin an array of areas including both in-house and direct service referrals.
Join Ms. E as she interviews Founder/Director of NBSS, Cynthia Grady
With February being the month in which both Love and African-American History are celebrated, Ms. E has decided rather than interviewing a guest for tonight's broadcast, to let her listening audience ask HER questions
on matters of the heart, and ethnic/cultural pride
in the African-American Community..

Living life as a reckless teenager, Samuel became involved in a crime which cost him the first years of his adult life in prison
Dr. Huddleston will talk with Ms. E about his journey towards wholeness and productivity after being sentenced to and serving 5 years in San Quentin State Prison at 17 years old.
He has inspired people across America and throughout the world- including prison inmates -reminding them not only with words but also with his very presence, that God has the power to put broken lives and broken relationships back together again.
This program is for anyone, especially former/transitioning foster youth, who in addition to maneuvering the shredded ropes and hopes of aging out of foster care are facing adulthood with a criminal record.
Whether you are someone who finds yourself in this position, or a "Villager" who works with and cares for one, you NEED to hear this program.