Sunday, January 30, 2011
Ms. E will be the guest on:
“RealTalk-Real Woman”
Saturday, February 5th,
Serendipity Bible House
760 Madison Street
Fairfield, California
Ms. E will be reading from and signing copies of her book
“It’s Heart Work:
Being The Village That Raises A Child”
She will also share from and accept pre-orders for her brand new,
soon-to-be released workbook:
“How's YOUR Heart Working In The Village ?”
an interactive workbook developed to assist current and potential foster/adoptive parents, social workers, educators, mentors and anyone who is committed to the youth in our villages, in searching their own hearts for the beliefs, experiences and emotions which effect the impact of their work with youth.
And Remember To Mark Your Calendars for Our Annual
Foster Pride Celebration
Saturday, May 21st
♥ Spring 2011 Newsletter ♥
Spring is upon us and we've not even officially said Happy New Year! We brought in the new year doing business as usual, and you may have already received several announcements about the
"heart work" we've been doing!
Take a look below and catch a glimpse of this year's work thus far.
Young E-Heart Lady Support:
A big thank you for those of you who responded to our call for help to assist our "heart" Eboney, in taking a trip to the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is what Eboney had to say to H.E.A.R.T. supporters:
I just want to give a big THANK YOU to those who contributed to my trip visiting the Cancer Centers Of America. It was a very eye opening experience to me, being the youngest person at the Center. I have came to terms with myself that this illness that I am fightingisindeed REAL and I have all the faith in the world, that this part of my life's journey will soon pass. I found out a lot of information while visiting the Cancer Center, but unfortionitlly there isn't much that can be done at this time. The doctors agreed with the treatment that I am currently receiving, and so there is not much to be done at this point but wait it out. Again, thank you so much for all of the support. It means a lot to me that complete strangers are willing to extend a hand in the kindness of their heart to help. God bless you all.
The guest list and listenership for our internet radio talk show, "HEART Talk with Ms. E" which began in October of last year has been quite impressive.
The program airs 2nd and 4th Wednesdays,
You can view and listen to archives of past interviews and
find information about programs at:
If you or someone you know, has experience in the area of foster care and
adoption and would like to be a guest please contact us!
HEART Talk Publications'
New Author
On February 1st HEART Talk Publications (HTP) signed its very first
Publication Agreement!
We can barely wait to announce the completion of the work and name of the author, who's asked not to be named until the project is completed. So stay tuned. To learn more about HTP and view our current publications and products visit:
How's YOUR Heart Working...?
A heartfelt thank you to those
who offered your support through attendance of the book signing of Ms. E at Serendipity Bible House on February 5th when she presented her forthcoming publication:
"How's YOUR Heart Working In the Village?, a workbook created to accompany her memoir, "It's Heart Work: Being the Village that Raises A Child" This workbook will assist current and potential foster/adoptive parents, social workers, educators, mentors and anyone who is committed to the youth in our villages, in searching their own hearts for the beliefs, experiences and emotions which impact their work with youth.
Copies can be pre-ordered at
with an expected release
date of May 18th.
Order your copy early and stay tuned!!
Community Outreach/Counseling Services
We are pleased to announce a successful community collaboration through which our interns Ms. Aaliyah Muhaimin and Ms. Kimberly Johnson facilitated an 8-week counseling and support group with young teens at the Continental of Omega's Boys & Girls Club in Vallejo. Post-group comments by participants indicate that they were most pleased to know that "there are adults who take the time to listen" to and help them.
Interns Ms. Aaliyah and Ms. Kimberly state that the experience for them was both challenging and rewarding.
Individual counseling services with our interns are being offered to youth and adults on a sliding scale of $25 - $65.00/hour session, through both H.E.A.R.T. and "Talk to M.E."
If you wish to schedule a consultation/intake please call the office at (707) 553-1971.
May in National Foster Care Month and H.E.A.R.T. has designated Saturday, May 21st as our Annual Foster Pride Day. Preliminary plans include a vibrant, fun and educational workshop with Ms. Shay Olivarria. Shay emancipated from foster care at 17 years old and by self report "didn't know anything about anything." She is now a professional financial education speaker and author of three books. She'll share tips from her new book
"All My Mistakes: Money tips for kids in care"
Co-Sponsors and donors are sought for this event.
If your heart is in alignment with ours and you wish to make a donation
click here:
If you are a part of, or can recommend us to businesses and/or financial institutions who will support us we would greatly appreciate your support!
H.E.A.R.T.. has already welcomed a new "Friend with Heart" Volunteer aboard this year.. Rochelle Sanchez responded to a Volunteer Match ad for a virtual graphics design assistant. Ms. E was so excited to have her on board she may have overwhelmed her! Rochelle has now accepted an offer for a full-time job which will limit her availability to us, but we're grateful for the flier and business cards she's designed as well as a logo for
"Talk To M.E." .
Thank you and congratulations Rochelle!
Speaking of volunteers, we want to recognize our longest serving "friend with heart" volunteer,
Melissa "Missy" Michaels
Missy is a Penn State graduate who lives in PA, and who since August 2008 has been the "engineer" behind our newsletters and the developer of our Facebook page. She also designed the cover for our
"Meeting Les Brown" publication.
Thank you Missy for your heart of commitment and support!
Visions For A Child's Heart
Visions continues to air on several Northern California Public Access stations and on Channel 99 of most AT&T U-Verse programming. (Check your local station).
We have several guests lined up for taping of new shows, however until we go National we have need of a consistent production (camera and editing) crew.
Any residents who are members of Vallejo (VCAT) , Berkeley (BCM) or Vacaville (VCT), OR
Independent videographers who are willing to donate their time, are sought to tape interviews one Saturday a month for 2-4 hours. We could also use donations of camera, lighting, and other filming equipment.
We look forward to the Village's Support in keeping the "Vision" alive!
If you haven't watched our program yet please visit our site:http://www.forachildsheart.org/TV_Program.html
In closing, we invite you to enjoy a 20-minute interview Ms. E recorded with Ms. Iyanla Vanzant while in the Bahamas.

Many may have seen Ms. Vanzant recently on Oprah, but we think her appearance on "Visions" was just as powerful if not moreso!
Let us know what YOU think! Enjoy!
You can also view this broadcast at:
To read more about Eboney, see the
The Celebration Will Continue When...
For A Child's H.E.A.R.T., Inc.
HEART Talk Publications
The Release Of
"How's YOUR Heart
Working In The Village?"
The Companion Workbook
"It's Heart Work: Being The Village That Raises A Child"
With Author
Evelyn Polk, LMFT
Adoptive & Former Foster Parent
Founder/Director, For A Child's H.E.A.R.T., Inc.
GZ | Soulye - Studios | Showroom| Gallery
2615 Magnolia Street
Oakland, California 94607
Join us for readings, sharing, purchases and the opportunity to meet and have books autographed by the author, as you also enjoy music, refreshments, raffle drawings, and...
Shoe Shopping for the "Mothers &Others" with
Zarife Soulye Shoe Boutique
Individual & Family Portraits will be available for purchase from
The First 10 Adoptive Families To Arrive who RSVP by Thursday 11/17
will receive a FREE Family Portrait!
E-Mail: HEART@forachildsheart.org
CALL: (707) 553-1971

"It's Heart Work..." Is A Winner!
We are pleased to Announce...
"It's Heart Work:
Being The Village That Raises A Child"
has been named a Bronze Winner of the
"2011 Character Building Counts (CBC) Book Awards"
Character Building Counts Book Awards celebrates authors and books which connect a message of honor, decency, and integrity,
and embody character-building messages which uplift individuals and society.
CBC judges are comprised of a volunteer panel published authors, writers, publishers, editors, professionals, and experts
in a variety of fields, and prolific readers.
Books are judged based on the following criteria:
(1) character-building message;
(2) writing quality and style;
(3) creativity/originality;
(4) interior, front cover, and back cover design;
(5) editing and proofreading quality.
You can order YOUR copy
This is also a perfect time to make your
tax-deductible donations
to support us as we continue to do
something special "for a child's heart"